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Macapuno Balls

Prep Time:

20 Minutes

Cook Time:

20 Minutes


4-5 Servings


About the Recipe



  • 1/2 cup condensed milk

  • 32 oz Fresh Q sweet Macapuno

  • 1/3 cup cornstarch

  • 1/4 cup water

  • dessicated coconut

Cellophane Wraps - for wrapping



  • Add condensed milk in a pan. Cook over low heat.  The milk will thin out but will eventually become thick (about 5 minutes). Stir continuously to avoid burning.

  • Add the fresh q macapuno preserves. Cook over low heat until consistency is slightly thick.

  • Dissolve cornstarch in water. Add the cornstarch mixture.

  • Stir well and continue cooking until mixture is thick and hard to stir.

  • Shape into balls (about 1/2 tbsp)

  • Coat with dessicated coconut.

  • Wrap individually with a cellophane wrappers.

Recipe makes about 24 pieces macapuno balls.

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